Trauma-Informed Leadership for Managers and Team Leaders

This is a trauma informed leader helping a member of staff who has experienced trauma.

Trauma Informed Leadership Training Course Overview

Trauma Informed Leadership training is vital for any organisation. Trauma is a pervasive issue in the workplace. 64 % of any workforce has had at least one Adverse childhood Experience.

These include

  • Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse 
  • Witnessing violence in the home or community 
  • A family member attempting or dying by suicide 
  • Growing up in a household with substance use problems 
  • Growing up in a household with mental health problems 
  • Instability due to parental separation or incarceration 
  • Losing a parent through divorce, death, or abandonment

As much as we would like to think this is not a part of the workplace, people’s lives cannot be compartmentalised. People walk into the workplace wounded but with dignity. Many employees carry the unseen weight of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which can significantly impact their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. This, in turn, affects their workplace behavior and performance. To create a supportive and productive environment, leaders must understand the effects of trauma and adopt trauma-informed practices.

This Trauma Informed Leadership training equips managers and team leaders with the necessary skills to:

  • Understand the prevalence of ACE’s with regards to staff and customers.
  • Recognize the impact of trauma: Understand how ACEs and other traumatic experiences can manifest in the workplace.
  • Identify trauma responses: Learn to identify common trauma responses and how they affect employees’ behavior.
  • Create a psychologically safe environment: Foster a workplace where employees feel comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking support.
  • Lead with empathy: Develop leadership practices that prioritize empathy, active listening, and emotional intelligence.
  • Implement trauma-informed policies: Integrate trauma-informed principles into workplace policies and practices.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Gain insights into trauma and its impact on individuals and organizations.
  • Recognize common trauma responses and their effects on workplace behavior.
  • Learn strategies to create a psychologically safe environment.
  • Develop leadership practices grounded in empathy and emotional intelligence.
  • Explore ways to implement trauma-informed policies and practices.

Who Should Attend:

This course is designed for managers, team leaders, HR professionals, and organizational leaders committed to fostering a trauma-informed workplace. Regardless of industry, trauma-informed leadership enhances the capacity to lead with compassion, build trust, and create a resilient, thriving workforce.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to:

  • Support Scotland’s vision of a trauma-informed workforce.
  • Lead with empathy, understanding, and effectiveness.
  • Create a supportive and inclusive workplace environment.