ACE Recovery Toolkit Courses for Adults
A 10-week programme aimed at helping adults develop positive coping strategies. This course can be delivered online.
The programme offers guidance on protective factors that can help reduce the impact of ACEs, and provides practical methods for parents to develop resilience within themselves and their children.
The following is covered on the programme:
- Understanding and living with ACEs
- Understanding toxic stress and strategies to manage it
- Developing parental resilience
- Understanding attachment
- Nurturing parenting styles
- Managing emotions
- Developing strategies to reduce the potential impact of ACEs on children
Its not just about the children. Adults walk into their place of work wounded but with dignity. This course has been designed for adults who have experienced childhood trauma. It will explain the latest neurobiological research and how ACE ( Adverse Childhood Experiences) may have affected them. The course will teach tools to increase their sense of well-being and resilience. The programme is designed to recognise strengths and promote Emotional Resilience.
As Dr Gabor Mate, the main speaker at the ACE’s to Assets Conference in Glasgow says, ‘Its not what’s wrong with you, its what happened to you’. This training courses pulls together an extensive toolkit based on the latest research. It draws on areas such as Mindfulness, NLP, CBT, and resilience research.
Get in touch for more information about dates for the training.