Trauma Informed Care Training

young people looking happy having completed trauma informed care training

This trauma informed care training is designed to increase participants’ ability to support individuals who have experienced traumatic events. It aims to promote understanding of how childhood trauma impacts a child’s beliefs, behaviour, and development and provide staff and volunteers with supportive trauma-informed tools and strategies. The course provides participants with a number of coaching tools and self-coaching tools to use with clients to assist them in building resilience, self-regulate and replace what may be maladaptive coping strategies with ones which meet their needs in a healthier way.

The Scottish Government has called for increased understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Scotland. he term ‘ACE’ was developed following a study in the United States to assess the association between childhood maltreatment and wellbeing in later life. Tackling the impact of ACEs is a priority for the Scottish Government which has made a commitment to prevent and mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences and to support those affected.

The Scottish Health Survey 2019 looked at ACE’s which included

  • growing up in a household in which there are adults experiencing harmful alcohol and drug use
  • being the victim of abuse (physical, sexual and/or emotional)
  • neglect (physical and/or emotional)
  • having a parent with a mental health condition
  • a member of the household being in prison
  • having separated parents

The Survey findings were that –
71% of adults reported experiencing at least one ACE
15% reported four or more ACE’s

Evidence found that compared to people with no ACE’s, those with four ACE’s or more have statistically:

3 times increased risk of heart disease, respiratory disease and type 2 diabetes
4 times more likely to be a high-risk drinker
5 times more likely to have low mental wellbeing
14 times more likely to have been victim of violence in the last 12 months
15 times more likely to have committed violence
16 times more likely to have used crack cocaine or heroin
20 times more likely to have been in prison at any point in their life.

And those in the most deprived areas were almost twice as likely than those
in the least deprived areas to experience four or more ACEs.

ACE INFORMED CARE WORKSHOP                                                                                       

Included in this training:

  • Identify adverse experiences that can impact on a child’s development
  • Toxic stress and its impact on the developing brain
  • An awareness of how maladaptive behaviours come into being as a result of ACE’s
  • Recognise the purpose certain maladaptive behaviours serve and how those needs can be met in other healthier ways
  • How ‘Triune Brain Theory’ awareness can help control stress and anxiety associated with ACE’s
  • Top down and bottom up tools for self regulation
  • The impact of ACE’s on health and wellbeing
  • An understanding of how building resilience can help mitigate the impact of ACE’s.
  • A set of practical tools to help manage behaviour and promote resilience

The course also pays particular attention to the positive experiences that a person may have experienced, recognising and building on their strengths.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone who has an interest in learning about the impact of adverse childhood experiences on mental wellbeing. The course will be of particular use to those who work with or care for children who have experienced ACE’s.


The course is available Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Inverness and across Scotland.






Trauma Informed Training Brochure Download